The 20th Annual Northeast Lean Conference Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence
Make your plans now to meet up with New England’s most vibrant and enduring Lean community. The practical learning format features exceptional keynote and breakout presentations, peer-to-peer discussions, interactive benchmarking and much more. Meet more than 500 passionate Lean, Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement professionals, just like you. A truly amazing learning and networking experience. Don’t miss it! (Note: This event is in-person, but all sessions will be live-streamed for those wishing to join in remotely from anywhere!)
“Leveraging Lean to Thrive in Uncertain Times”
Fifty years ago, an economic crisis triggered by an oil embargo quadrupled oil prices almost overnight and sent global economies into a tailspin. Hindsight says “We should have seen this coming,” but as a twenty-something newbie to the workforce, I found myself suddenly sitting in two-hour gas lines waiting for a rationed amount of fuel – barely enough to get back and forth to work. More concerning than the outrageous price per gallon, was the uncertainty of what tomorrow would bring.
⌛ Event Dates & Venue
💸 Website & Tickets

General Admission Early Bird (before July 31): USD 1495.00, General Admission (after August 1): USD 1795.00, Remote Attendance (2 days): USD 595.00